of companies
say that less than 20% of their organisation is using embedded analytics (TDWI)
of companies
currently investing to expand data utilization as the key strategy to become more data driven (TDWI)
of companies'
‘end users’ should be at the start of the supporting text not in the bit under the number (TDWI)

The 4 common pitfalls

The 4 common pitfalls

From our experiences and research, we have identified four typical challenges or pitfalls that organizations encounter when working with the discipline we refer to as: Delivering decision-making tools. These pitfalls are crucial to address directly to succeed with your journey towards becoming data-driven.

"We only have two people that can build dashboards. But they don’t have the skills to help departments agree on the metrics and dashboards that will be most useful day-to-day. So, there are a lot of competencies we need to build up."
Retail group​

So, what are the key success factors?

So, what are the key success factors?

001 | Work with end users to develop a pipeline of tools to support core decision-making processes

002 | Build tools and definitions in a structure to create one shared truth and transparency

003 | Set standards for definitions and sourcing of KPI’s and market insights to enable sharing, comparison and alignment across the organization

004 | Build a standard recipe/playbook for developing and launching new tools

005 | Use data visualizations and tools to democratize the access and use of data and encourage exploration of root causes and trends

We help you in four ways

We help you in four ways

001 |  Mapping the decision processes to identify the critical data and insights to focus on.

002 | Building consensus across all stakeholders on the definitions for KPI’s and how they link to one another.

003 | Building, testing and refining solutions for dashboards and decision tools.

004 | Establishing the toolkit and capabilities for the organization to create its long-term pipeline of solutions on its own.

"Intellishore has succeeded in making BI operational through solid engagement with the business, leading to sound prioritization and buy-in from the management."
Mikkel Hecht
Head of BI, Nordisk Film

Would you like to learn more?

If you would like to know more then please reach out to Shankar or Sofie.

We are always happy to talk about the challenges companies face, share our views and experiences, or discuss how Intellishore could help you.
Shankar Ralhan
Managing Director / EVP, Intellishore Group
Sofie Jagd Christensen
Next up
Embedding a data-driven culture