We are truly grateful for working with passionate and skilled people every day. We have been part of building Ledernes data platform based on Snowflake & dbt, which has had significant positive results for them and their customers, and now the solution is also a prize-winning solution. Because this Friday, the work was rewarded a bronze Danish Digital Award at the annual award show.

The jury had the following to say about the solution and why it deserved to win:

“A school example for the future on how to design a solution where there is a focus on high agility, state-of-the-art DevOps structure, high development efficiency, and automated tests. Scaling, performance, and reliability are at the top while managing to execute and create excellent results via a good architecture and well-implemented machine learning.”

You can read more here: https://danishdigitalaward.dk/project/dataplatform-snowflake-dbt/ 📝

"...proud and very happy to have helped to implement such a cool solution"

"...proud and very happy to have helped to implement such a cool solution"

“Our Friday got a little better when we were awarded a bronze award in the “System Platforms and Architecture” category for the work we have done together with Lederne.

I am proud and very happy to have helped to implement such a cool solution in close cooperation with the skilled people from Lederne. Huge thanks to the Leaderne for letting us be part of creating this great result!”

Jonatan Larsen Edry, Senior Consultant at Intellishore

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Sonu Banga
Founding Partner
Amit Luthra
Founding Partner
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