What went down

At Intellishore we love Fridays! And we love Fridays, even more, when we get to share them with other data enthusiasts. That was exactly the case when we did our second Hackathon of the year together with our partners Dansk Boldspils Union.

The night was a perfect combination of professional focus and social embracement. The Intellishore office was filled with bright talents who gave their very best and truly rose to the challenge together.


Why be a part of it?

At Intellishore we love to challenge ourselves. But sharing is caring. Therefore we invited other bright minds to solve a real case with relevant problems in order to see different, inspiring outcomes. We had a party of coding and social activities, and the more the merrier.


See for yourself


"In DBU we want to go from beliefs to insights."

"In DBU we want to go from beliefs to insights."

“It is time for DBU to take our fan analysis to the next level. By using more advanced data analytics, we dream that we can better name and describe the fans, thereby making better content, communicating better, and inviting the right partners to bring value to the party in the minds of the fans.

My colleagues and I in the insights team are providing data and insights to our organization so they can make better decisions in their everyday work. A partnership with Intellishore helps us be even better at providing that data for our colleagues – what kind of data is needed? How should we visualize it? And what are the stories that we need to tell to improve and to do things better tomorrow”

Nikolaj Schelde, Information Analyst & Insight Creator, DBU

"The solutions could have a real impact"

"The solutions could have a real impact"

“The expectation for a clustering case like this is that our participants can create some initial segmentation of the fan base. That can hopefully steer the commercial team in some directions that are interesting for them and that they haven’t thought of before.

The findings could be the foundation for some real machine-learning models that can come into operation and be trained over time. But first of all, it’s about creating the initial hypothesis and the initial insights about who their fans are and what they prefer.

We had some very ambitious and concentrated participants that came up with some interesting findings and the energy level was like a crisp night in Parken after a 4-0-win”

Mikkel Møller Andersen, Senior Manager, Intellishore

Get in touch

If you have any questions or things you want to know more about - Give us a call, a text or an e-mail!
Amanda Sommer
Associate Consultant
Mads Hønberg
Senior Consultant
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LittleBigHelp - Intellishore's CSR partner