What is Intellistory? 

What is Intellistory? 

At Intellishore we worship each and everyone of our Intellishorians and we are beyond proud of them. In this series of personal stories, we will therefore bring out their best and most unique trades/characteristics to sum up why they fit so perfectly into our everyday culture with smiles, humor and team work.

These stories serve as a sneak peek into the life of an Intellishorian and how they got here. We hope this will give you a better understanding of who and what we are. If you are ready then…

Meet our Intellishorian, Senior Consultant, Caroline Rossé Herrig Simonsen

Who am I?

I have been a part of Intellishore in Data & Business Insights since September 2020. I enjoy both technical tasks and project management responsibilities. My curiosity and passion continually push me to enhance my technical skills and broaden my knowledge in Power BI and more on data platform side with back-end development.

Life has a way of finding its way

Life has a way of finding its way

Caroline describes her journey to Intellishore as serendipitous. Nonetheless, it was interest and passion that fueled the rocket she has become. With a background from Copenhagen Business School and a master’s degree in international business, she never thought she would work with Power BI.

“It can be so unpredictable, but when you are young and starting at a university, you often think: ‘This is the direction I MUST go in.’ My journey is due to a lot of interest and passion for Power BI, and curiosity has been the ignitor driving it.

While pursuing my studies, I had the opportunity to work in the finance department at Sticks ‘n’ Sushi. During this time, I had the privilege of having an amazing boss who motivated me to start learning Power BI and arranged for a consultant to provide an introduction to the system. This consultant recognized something in me that has proven advantageous ever since. Additionally, my good friend and colleague Sofie, who coincidentally joined Intellishore, noticed their extensive use of Power BI. Putting two and two together, she invited me for a coffee, and introduced me to the possibilities at Intellishore.”

"I find immense motivation in any opportunity to support and collaborate with teams or individuals. I thrive on the drive and energy of being challenged and constantly staying on top of my game. At Intellishore, I am fortunate to work on diverse projects, allowing me to sharpen my skills continuously."
Caroline Rossé Herrig Simonsen, Senior Consultant at Intellishore

Collaboration and development – A recipe for success

Caroline is a team player who loves helping others grow and evolve. Though she prefers working in teams, she has always found joy in developing independently, and she has a curiosity for the technical aspects of projects:

“I am a very social person and also a big family person. I enjoy activities that keep me active, such as running, practicing yoga, and exploring nature with my dog. In the past, I was sure that I would become an equine veterinarian. Being an animal lover and having grown up with pets and horses, I deeply admired the veterinarian who took care of my horse. She was a remarkable woman and someone I greatly looked up to during that time.

What I m passionate about is being able to teach and help others, and I have learned from all the projects how exciting it is to conduct training. I prefer working with people and having close contact with our customers, and I enjoy finding solutions with the rest of the project team when working for clients. I also enjoy the technical aspects of projects and have always liked mathematics and its logic.

In the past, I had experiences where I worked more independently without a large team around me. During that time, I took on the role of a project manager and found it exciting to develop solutions independently. Nonetheless, I have always had a passion for collaboration. It’s fantastic to be part of a larger team now, where I can bounce ideas off more people and feel the collective energy. Consulting generally entails a steep learning curve, making you feel like you’re in deep waters. However, the beauty is having someone there to offer support and guidance, allowing you to challenge yourself.


Be happy, love what you do, and feel challenged

Intellishore is a very social place where several things happen, and Caroline has always been part of the group that made those things happen. Not because she had to but because she wanted to. To Caroline it is important to be happy coming to work and leaving work, and part of that is loving what you do and feeling challenged together with people you like:

“I love the atmosphere at the office. It feels like meeting up with friends or family due to the deep familiarity and personal connections we share with one another. That is why engaging with people beyond work is essential. That is one of the reasons why I wanted to be part of the party committee because I love organizing and ensuring people have a good time and feel well. When I started at Intellishore, we wanted more social activities, especially after all the lockdowns, so I teamed up with the party committee and organized something to ensure we all had fun. Usually, you need to apply to be part of the party committee, but due to my drive to organize social activities, they pulled me aside and said, “You’re in!” So, I was recruited to join the party committee.

It is important to me to go to work happy, fulfilled, and constantly challenged. I focus very little on a specific career trajectory, which may not be the most popular approach. While some may prioritize job titles, I prioritize my work’s impact on my day-to-day life.”


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A great day involves...

A great day involves...

“…helping other people, and it can be big or small things. It is also fascinating to be able to develop myself. I need a particular drive and energy, and I am being challenged to stay on top of my game, and I get to do that here because we work on many different projects. Even if it is a Power BI report that we need to develop for two clients, they are at very different stages in their journey and face various challenges, so no two days are the same.  

Recently, I had the opportunity to conduct numerous training sessions at a large Danish pharmaceutical company. These sessions revolved around two Power BI reports I developed for them the previous summer. It was a mix of excitement and trepidation as I trained over 400 users, an experience that was both terrifying and extremely rewarding.”


Current project

Current project

“I have recently joined a project that has been ongoing for a year and a half, and it feels like stepping into a new job while having the comfort of familiar colleagues who are ready to assist.

Currently, my responsibilities involve project management and establishing structures within a healthcare company’s Data and Analytics department. This includes actively participating in and facilitating various processes. Additionally, there is a lot of Power BI development. I particularly appreciate long-term projects as they foster a closer relationship with the client and the individuals within their department. So, it also feels like they are your colleagues.”

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