Using a BI tool to radically reduce accidents and injuries

How to radically boost user adoption of a new business intelligence solution?
in daily dashboard sessions per month
in dashboard views
in unique users

The Challenge

The health and safety solution that was developed and deployed was too complex and lacked transparency.

This solution lacked usability and an intuitive user experience. In addition, there was a general lack of data access and transparency across the organization.

Finally, the existing dashboards were not properly embedded within processes and further lacked a governance framework.

The Outcome

User experience redesigned in collaboration with key stakeholders in order to deliver the right information, to the right people, at the right time.

Application of best practice visualization techniques in order to enhance insights.

Data and insights democratized by allowing users wider and easier access through embedding portal on global intranet, allowing users to access with ease.

Through an 5x increase in daily user sessions, the following results were achieved:

  • 45% reduction in global injuries since solution roll-out
  • 49% reduction in high potential incidents globally since solution roll-out

Do you want to learn more?

If you are looking for inspiration on how to leverage your data and create actionable insights we are always ready to share our knowledge.
Amit Luthra
Founding Partner
Adam Grønbeck Andersen
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